Main – Sawtooth WOD
(No Measure)
5mins of double unders
advanced- 300 double unders
intermediate-150-200 double unders
beginner- you’ll be working on technique
-barbell hamstring smash- 1min per leg
-foam roll ankles-1min per side
2 rounds
-15 leg swings per leg
-15 romanian deadlifts
-10 banded squats
15mins of pistol skill work
-for those that have pistols,
5min emom of 10 pistols
followed by 5min emom of 10 weighted pistols. you choose the weight. this is skill work
-for those that can do pistols, but cant quite handle a high volume yet, you will do:
5min emom of 3 pistols per leg. rest 3mins, then do it again
-for those that cant do pistols, coach will work with you on the right progression
Metcon (Time)
400m run
rest 1:1
800m run
rest 1:1
1mile run
rest 1:1
800m run
rest 1:1
400m run
Scaled option
200m run
rest 1:1
400m run
rest 1:1
800m run
rest 1:1
400m run
rest 1:1
200m run
Metcon (Time)
rowing option
500m row
rest 1:1
1000m row
rest 1:1
2000m row
rest 1:1
1000m row
rest 1:1
500m row
scaling option
250m row
rest 1:1
500m row
rest 1:1
1000m row
rest 1:1
500m row
rest 1:1
250m row